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Android Developers

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Why Hire 

Android Developers

 from ClanX?


Competitive Edge | Android Developers from ClanX have extensive experience in crafting dynamic, high-performance mobile applications that provide businesses with a competitive edge in the evolving market.

Competitive Edge | Android Developers from ClanX have extensive experience in crafting dynamic, high-performance mobile applications that provide businesses with a competitive edge in the evolving market.


Technical Proficiency | ClanX’s Android Developers are proficient in the latest tools and technologies ensuring resourceful and efficient development of applications tailored to your business needs.

Technical Proficiency | ClanX’s Android Developers are proficient in the latest tools and technologies ensuring resourceful and efficient development of applications tailored to your business needs.


Innovative Solutions | By hiring ClanX Android Developers, companies get access to professionals who are adept at translating innovative ideas into practical, user-focused apps.

Innovative Solutions | By hiring ClanX Android Developers, companies get access to professionals who are adept at translating innovative ideas into practical, user-focused apps.


Agile Methodology | ClanX ensures that its Android Developers are trained in agile development processes that support the flexible and iterative creation of apps, meeting tight deadlines without compromising quality.

Agile Methodology | ClanX ensures that its Android Developers are trained in agile development processes that support the flexible and iterative creation of apps, meeting tight deadlines without compromising quality.


Cost-Effective Development | With ClanX, businesses can save on development costs without sacrificing quality, thanks to the expertise of Android Developers who optimize the development lifecycle.

Cost-Effective Development | With ClanX, businesses can save on development costs without sacrificing quality, thanks to the expertise of Android Developers who optimize the development lifecycle.


Post-Deployment Support | Companies receive dependable post-deployment support and maintenance from ClanX Android Developers, ensuring the longevity and sustained performance of the mobile applications.

Post-Deployment Support | Companies receive dependable post-deployment support and maintenance from ClanX Android Developers, ensuring the longevity and sustained performance of the mobile applications.

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Android Developers

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

Android Developers

use to craft amazing products.

tools | Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code
databases | SQLite, Firebase, Realm
languages | Java, Kotlin, XML
libraries | Retrofit, Glide, RxJava, Dagger 2

How Much Does the Best Android Developer Consultant Cost?

According to Indeed the average annual salary of the best Android developers in the United States is $1,26,112. The ClanX calculator helps you calculate the overall expenditure of your project while comparing it with the expenditure incurred if you utilize the traditional model of hiring.

Why Hire Android Application Developers?

Android application developers are hired to develop high-quality applications in Android while ensuring that the applications function efficiently and are optimized for your target platform. Further android application developers ensure that customization is applied within the development cycle which ensures efficient processes that help in saving time and resources.

According to Indeed the average annual salary of the best Android developers in the United States is $1,26,112. The ClanX calculator helps you calculate the overall expenditure of your project while comparing it with the expenditure incurred if you utilize the traditional model of hiring.

How Much Do Android Engineers Charge Per Hour?

The per-hour rate of an Android application developer is determined by a range of factors such as previous projects, specialization, and experience. The median rate to hire Android developers is heavily dependent on geographical locations. 

Here's a list of how much Android developers charge per hour.

  • Southeast Asia: $40 - $80/per hour
  • Latin America: $25 - $70/per hour
  • Northern Europe: $40 - $80/per hour
  • Western Europe: $45 - $70/per hour
  • Eastern Asia: $30 - $60/per hour
  • India: $19 - $25/per hour

Hire Android Developers

Smartphones have proliferated in our lives while disrupting pathways of interaction. One of the most prominent operating systems powering these smartphones is Android which is a  mobile operating system designed by combining open source software with a modified Linux kernel

Android was released in the year 2007 but was later taken over by Google. The Android App Store is one of the most extensive app libraries in the tech ecosystem where more than 3500+ apps developed on the Android ecosystem are released daily.

What is an Android Developer?

Android application developers specialize in developing software via the Android operating system ie. Android 11. They are responsible for developing code that is hosted on various Android Devices. 

However, an Android application developer not only develops the code but ensures constant monitoring of the system and that the system works on optimum performance. Android Developers work on upgrading existing applications and operating systems based on user feedback and various factors. 

Upgrades are usually focused on the incorporation of features such as enhanced security, high functionality, and innovative interfaces.

What Does an Android Developer Do?

An Android developer job involves a range of responsibilities consisting of varying complexities which are as follows:

1. Building/Designing of Android Applications Functionality and UI

Android application developers work in close collaboration with design and testing teams, incorporating a cross-functional approach within the development process. Android Engineers are responsible for developing functional system architecture. 

Further, they are tasked with the implementation of upcoming advanced technologies within the development cycle while focusing on the improvement of application performance.

2. Project Management

Android application developers are responsible for overseeing the entire development process beginning with idea conceptualization right up to product launch. They are responsible for maintaining coding standards and ensuring that the project runs within budget. 

Apart from that, Android application developers are proficient in dealing with external sources of code such as APIs or third-party codebases.

3. Troubleshooting Bugs

After the launch of the final product, the system encounters a multitude of bugs which results in a range of problems that hamper the system functionality. The developer is tasked with ensuring that bugs are fixed while launching further upgrades within the system architecture. 

Bug fixing encompasses a range of processes focusing on the identification of future vulnerabilities that might result in system glitches.

What are the Skills of an Android Developer?

Android Engineers should have the following soft skills and hard skills:

1. Teamwork

Developing an application on Android isn’t an isolated process. It is a collaborative process involving designers, testers, and subordinate developers. A Developer should possess the ability to maintain a collaborative approach towards their project while focusing on the incorporation of multiple viewpoints within the project.

2. Critical Thinking

Android Engineers should have the ability to pinpoint a particular solution after evaluating a problem through multiple viewpoints. A skilled Android application developer should have the ability to identify various pitfalls that might have the potential to turn into major problems. 

A critical thinking approach paired with skills such as problem prevention, adaptability, and time management is vital for an Android developer.

What are the Technical Skills for Android Developers?

The best Android developers demonstrate elite professional proficiency with Android development language. Apart from that android engineers possess a range of technical skills useful for the development of Android architecture. An Android developer job requires technical proficiency with certain skills which are as follows:

1. Java/Kotlin

An ideal candidate should be experienced with writing code in Java. While developing Android applications within a mobile environment there is no place for ambiguity with regard to what your application is trying to do. Java helps in maintaining a stringent standard of code which helps a professional function with an existing legacy codebase while optimizing the system’s existing applications.

Therefore an Android application developer is expected to be well-versed in Java because it helps in the development of elegant system architecture.

Kotlin, supported by Google, is the official Android development language. It provides the developer with a syntax that is concise and expressive. An Android application developer should be well versed with Java because it helps in reducing boilerplate code while enhancing type safety. 

Kotlin provides a range of modern functions such as extension function, null safety, and data classes allowing developers to code efficiently.

Further Java and Kotlin provide Android application developers with interoperability allowing them to utilize both languages within the same project. Interoperability helps developers leverage existing Java libraries while transitioning to Kotlin at their own pace. This helps developers enhance productivity within a shorter development cycle.

2. Understanding of Android SDK

The best Android Engineers are familiar with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) because it is the foundation upon which any Android application is built. Android SDK provides a developer with a suite of tools and services necessary for development. Android application developers should demonstrate proficiency with interaction patterns demonstrated by these components and how to utilize them efficiently for the development of applications.

Android applications utilize various hardware and software components of their host devices such as camera, GPS, etc. A Developer should be proficient with harnessing APIs and integrating various third-party components with the help of Android SDK. Further applications utilize resources such as images, strings, or layouts. Android SDK incorporates a resource management system that helps a developer optimize resources with high efficiency. Lastly, a developer should be well versed in certain processes such as:

  • Understanding of the event handling mechanism of the Android SDK that helps in ensuring efficient user interaction processes.
  • Choosing the most appropriate storage method for data and implementing efficient data management systems.
  • Expertise with using SDK libraries for networking processes, lifecycle management, and resource management

3. Knowledge of UI/UX

A developer should possess a user-centric focus while designing Android applications. Such an approach helps develop applications that cater to the user's needs with a priority towards the creation of intuitive interfaces. 

A developer who is proficient with the creation of appealing layouts significantly impacts the overall user engagement metrics. The creation of an intuitive interface helps users seamlessly interact with the application sans detailed instructions. This significantly reduces the broad learning curve for the user which transforms into high user engagement. 

Further, it helps a developer streamline the user workflow while minimizing various user errors.

Android Applications run over a variety of devices. A Developer should be UI-UX savvy to ensure that the applications are responsible and adaptable over a range of devices while maintaining a consistent experience for the user. Further, a developer should be aware of certain processes such as:

  • Proficiency with Google Material Design guidelines which serve as the base for the creation of user-friendly applications that appear native and familiar to the user.
  • Ability to integrate the brand identity within the application development process while incorporating user feedback within design processes.
  • Android Developer should be well versed in certain fundamental skills which are as follows
  • Knowledge of the Version Control System (VCS) allows developers to incorporate a collaborative approach within the development workflow. This helps in the efficient management of code within a structured and organized framework. Further, it allows the incorporation of automation processes within the entire workflow.

The current ecosystem relies on a horde of third-party web services that help in data transmission. A developer should demonstrate expert proficiency in RESTful APIs, Further, they should be able to handle JSON data and make asynchronous network requests.

Within a development cycle, the existence of bugs is an inevitable phenomenon. A Developer should be capable of initiating troubleshooting practices. They should be well-versed in using various debugging tools and applications. 

Android application developers should be aware of various expert security processes that allow data encryption and secure communication patterns within the applications or servers.

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who are the Android Developers?

Android is an operating system for smartphones (OS) that was developed using open-source software and an altered version of Linux from Google. The creators of Android designed it for touchscreen mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Its direct competitors are BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone OS, and iOS from Apple.

An Android developer is a software developer who focuses on creating apps for Android-based devices. Programming apps for the Google Play Store and other Android-powered gadgets like tablets and smartphones is the responsibility of Android developers. The majority of them are employed as independent contractors, by well-known software companies, or directly in android app development companies. They use a variety of technologies and programming android development language to build and create Android apps. Other duties of an Android developer include 

  • Checking for vulnerabilities in both new and old apps.
  • Reconstructing them.
  • Testing modules all across the software development cycle for Android.

They should also have previous familiarity with external APIs, databases, and group work.

2. Is Android Developer in Demand?

Having an Android app is essential to taking up a sizable portion of the expanding mobile market. It made it possible for the business to connect with a larger number of clients. Companies can notify customers about upcoming promotions, discounts, new offers, and other incentives by using push notifications. Additionally, it might use eye-catching goods photos to draw in customers.

An Android app can assist a business in strengthening its clientele. Businesses can accept orders, communicate with customers, and post different kinds of comments on social media—all of which are conveniently accessed through the Android app. 

In order to properly modify its product, the corporation can have a better understanding of the needs and desires of its customers. Additionally, it helps gather vital information that companies need to monitor customer behaviour and purchasing patterns.

The business may run around the clock with the help of an Android app. It will make it possible for the company to continue operating and generate more revenue.

The need for Android developers is growing with time. As we can see, the app industry is developing along with the growth of the mobile market. People today need internet and mobile connection everywhere. 

There is a great need for Android app development. With more than 52 billion app downloads, Android presently commands 70.5 percent of the market share for mobile operating systems. Because of this, there is currently a great demand for Android developers who can make user-friendly apps. 

3. How Do I Get a Job as an Android Developer?

One of the few IT fields where you may get started without having to meet any rigid requirements for school or experience is Android programming. For creators of applications that are published in app stores, this is especially true. 

4. What is the Future Scope of Android Developers?

Greater concentration on artificial intelligence and machine learning. As smart assistants like Google Assistant gain popularity, we should anticipate seeing an increasing number of Android apps that use AI and machine learning. This will make it possible for apps to provide consumers with experiences that are more intelligent and personalised, such tailored content and intelligent recommendations.

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Android Developers

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

Android Developers

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

Golang Consultant | Providing expert advice on integrating Go into existing systems, these developers facilitate efficient solutions for system scalability and performance tuning. Examples include refactoring legacy code and building scalable network servers.

Full-stack Golang Developer | Capable of handling both frontend and backend components, they deliver end-to-end solutions for web projects. Use cases include developing responsive web applications and creating server-side APIs.

Golang Developer for Cloud Computing | Specializing in developing cloud-native applications, they leverage Go’s concurrency and efficiency for robust cloud services. Typical projects involve building microservices and serverless architectures.

Golang AI Developer | They apply Go to develop AI-driven technologies, bringing speed and scalability to machine learning operations. Applications cover predictive analytics models and AI algorithms for real-time processing.

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ClanX is a true partner. We were able to build a solid team and our entire company was eventually acquired.
Jayson Dmello
Head of Product, The Girl Tribe
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ClanX not only found us the best talent, but also helped us scale up and down as required. Brilliant solution!
Nikunj Ladani
Design Head, GoodWorker

Still Curious? These might help...

What specific technical skills do ClanX Android Developers possess? | ClanX Android Developers are proficient in Java and Kotlin, and they excel at using Android Studio for efficient app development, ensuring they deliver high-quality applications.

How can ClanX Android Developers improve user experience in mobile applications? | Through the implementation of intuitive UI/UX design, and mastery of material design guidelines, our developers ensure seamless and engaging user experiences.

What kind of industries can benefit from hiring ClanX Android Developers? | Industries spanning e-commerce, finance, healthcare, entertainment, and more can benefit from our tailored Android development services to meet their mobile strategy needs.

Are ClanX Android Developers experienced in cross-platform application development? | Yes, our developers also specialize in cross-platform development frameworks, enabling businesses to efficiently target multiple platforms.

How does ClanX ensure the security of mobile applications developed by their Android Developers? | Our developers prioritize security by employing best practices such as encryption, secure authentication, and compliance with data protection standards.

Can ClanX Android Developers assist with the app's publication process on the Google Play Store? | Absolutely, from initial app design, development, to final deployment, our developers guide businesses through the entire publication process on the Google Play Store.

How can hiring a ClanX Android Developer reduce my project’s time-to-market? | With robust agile processes and automation tools used by ClanX Android Developers, the development cycle is streamlined, resulting in faster delivery times.

Do ClanX Android Developers also offer post-launch app optimization services? | Post-launch, ClanX developers provide optimization services, including performance tuning, feature updates, and bug fixes to maintain app relevance and user engagement.


Android Developers

in 48 hours

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Machine Learning Engineer

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Speech Recognition Engineer

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Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Engineer

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Predictive Modeller

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AI Product Engineer

Machine Learning Systems Designer

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System Administrator

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User Experience (UX) Engineer

Golang Developer

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Automation Architect

DevOps Toolchain Engineer

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Release Manager

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CI/CD  Engineer

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Kubernetes Engineer

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Developer

DevOps Dashboard Engineer

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DevSecOps Engineer

Infrastructure Automation Engineer

Cloud Optimization Engineer

Continuous Delivery Engineer

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Configuration Management Specialist

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User Experience (UX) Designer

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UX Writer


Accessibility Designer

UX Engineer

Design Operations Manager

Design System Manager

Design Technologist

UX/UI Developer

Experience Design Lead

Industrial Designer (for physical tech products)

Interaction Design Specialist

Digital Product Designer

Motion Designer (for UI animations)

Brand Experience Designer

Design Researcher

Environmental Designer (for hardware)

Human Factors Engineer

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Creative Technologist

Voice User Interface Designer

Augmented Reality Designer

Virtual Reality Designer

3D Modeler

Color and Material Designer

Wearable Technology Designer

Packaging Designer

Design Sprint Facilitator

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Head of Quality Assurance

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Head of Mobile Technology

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Head of Internet of Things (IoT)

Head of Robotics