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Flutter Developers

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Why Hire 

Flutter Developers

 from ClanX?


Cutting-Edge Expertise | Flutter developers at ClanX possess in-depth knowledge of the latest Flutter SDK, ensuring modern, high-performance cross-platform applications.

Cutting-Edge Expertise | Flutter developers at ClanX possess in-depth knowledge of the latest Flutter SDK, ensuring modern, high-performance cross-platform applications.


Rapid Development Cycle | Thanks to Flutter's hot reload feature, our developers accelerate the development process, allowing for quicker delivery and cost savings.

Rapid Development Cycle | Thanks to Flutter's hot reload feature, our developers accelerate the development process, allowing for quicker delivery and cost savings.


Consistent UI/UX | ClanX's Flutter experts are skilled at creating beautiful, natively compiled applications with a consistent UI/UX across all platforms.

Consistent UI/UX | ClanX's Flutter experts are skilled at creating beautiful, natively compiled applications with a consistent UI/UX across all platforms.


Versatile Portfolio | Whether it's mobile, web, or desktop apps, our Flutter developers have a proven track record of delivering dynamic solutions tailored to diverse business needs.

Versatile Portfolio | Whether it's mobile, web, or desktop apps, our Flutter developers have a proven track record of delivering dynamic solutions tailored to diverse business needs.


Optimized Performance | Leveraging Flutter's high-performance rendering engine, applications are compiled directly into native code reducing the need for bridge technologies.

Optimized Performance | Leveraging Flutter's high-performance rendering engine, applications are compiled directly into native code reducing the need for bridge technologies.


Strong Community Support | Our Flutter developers actively engage with the developer community, staying abreast of new trends and contributing to an ever-growing ecosystem.

Strong Community Support | Our Flutter developers actively engage with the developer community, staying abreast of new trends and contributing to an ever-growing ecosystem.

Getting started with ClanX

1.  Share your requirements

Tell us more about the problem statement that you are working on and how does your dream team look like. Right from skillset, timezone, experience, you can share everything with us.

2. Get recommendations

Meet highly curated, ready-to-interview builders with verified skills and availability. We do all the heavy lifting so you just need to conduct the final interview round to check for culture fit.

3. Interview and Hire

You conduct the final round with the candidate, based on the feedback either we share more profiles or you hire the talent. Our historical data says, out of 10 builder profiles that we share, 8 get hired.


Flutter Developers

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

Flutter Developers

use to craft amazing products.

tools | Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA
databases | SQLite, Firestore, Realm
languages | Dart
libraries | Provider, RxDart, Flutter Bloc

How Much Does a Flutter App Developers Charge Per Hour?

According to Glassdoor, the average hourly wage rate for flutter professionals fluctuates within the range of $28 to $74 per hour. The ClanX calculator helps you calculate the overall expenditure of your project while comparing it with the expenditure incurred if you utilize the traditional model of hiring.

How Do I Find a Good Flutter App Developer?

If you are trying to find a good flutter professionals (Hire flutter developers India) follow these steps:

  • Analyze your needs and requirements and curate a profile of the ideal Flutter app developers needed for your project.
  • Kickstart your recruitment efforts and start looking for developers who match your criteria
  • Conduct interviews and in-depth assessments and try to determine whether the candidate is the right fit and can align with your company's vision.

ClanX helps you find good Flutter Developers (Hire flutter developers India) bringing world-class product builders together as cloud-based teams and connecting them with companies that have meaningful product missions.

Where Can I Hire a Cost-Effective Flutter App Developer?

Here are the top sites to hire cost-effective Flutter developers:

  • ClanX: ClanX helps you hire blockchain developers to boost your team, or collaborate with a fully managed team tailored to your requirements.
  • Turing: Turing connects world-class remote software engineers with world-class companies.
  • Clouddevs: Clouddevs provides highly vetted and time-aligned top-tier tech talent to cater to your project requirements

Is Flutter High Paying?

Flutter is a highly powerful and versatile framework that is used for the development of high-quality mobile applications. Since flutter language is a cross-platform where developers can create applications for Android and iOS without maintaining separate codebases, it's in high demand among businesses that are looking forward to developing cross-platform mobile applications. 

However, Flutter is a relatively new application due to which there's a deficit of skilled Flutter developers.

Hire Flutter Developers

Mobile application development has been revolutionized after the advent of Flutter which has positioned itself as a powerful framework possessing the capacity to craft seamless applications with cross-platform functionality. This framework is the epitome of efficiency paired with a fusion of technical aptitude along with an eye for design. A Flutter developer is an artist your company needs to relentlessly pursue this technological excellence.

This article is a hiring guide providing you with he intricacies and prerequisites you should look out for before you hire Flutter Developers.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a UI software development kit that facilitates the curation of natively compiled applications that can run over multiple hardware such as web, desktop, and mobile while utilizing a single codebase. Flutter utilises Dart which is known for its unique mix of simplicity paired with robustness. It is open source and has been developed by Google. 

What is a Flutter Developer?

A software professional, proficient in curating cross-platform applications with the help of the Flutter framework, is a flutter expert. Their work profile encompasses various tasks that are focused on designing the architecture of applications. They also work around the implementation of interfaces that are intuitive and visually appealing.

In layman's terms, Flutter professionals are responsible for bringing designs to life while ensuring smooth functionality and an engaging user experience. Further, they exploit the capabilities of Flutter and Dart to develop applications that are robust and visually appealing.

What Does a Flutter Developer Do?

The roles and responsibilities of a flutter expert are as follows.

1. System Architecture/Design

A Flutter programmer fluctuates between the role of a mason working on codebases and an architect constructing the systems. They are tasked with designing application architecture and ensuring the most suitable state management pattern is being used while the UI/UX integrates itself seamlessly with the core of the application functionality.

2. APIs/Backend

An application has to ensure the constant flow of data between the server and the application. To build this connection, Flutter app developers have to integrate the application with the backend and RESTful APIs. 

3. Optimization

The efficiency of mobile applications is determined by its performance. To enhance performance, Flutter professionals have to conduct application optimization processes such as code optimization, reduction in load times, and efficient resource management.

What are the Skills for a Flutter Developer?

App Development is a dynamic domain. Undoubtedly technical flutter developer skills are extremely vital but a professional should be adept at collaborating and communicating with the team. 

The developer isn't expected to only be a code maestro instead they should be a team player and an excellent communicator. Here is a list of soft flutter developer skills to look out for within Flutter professionals.

1. Communication

Flutter app developers should possess the aptitude to articulate the thought processes and ideas running within the mind clearly and concisely. Flutter professionals with a clear communicative approach ensure seamless collaboration among multiple actors in the team along with swift execution and client satisfaction.

2. Client-Centric Approach

Flutter developers should be adept at understanding the needs and requirements of a client and ensuring that the end product aligns with the expectations of the client. This helps in ensuring client satisfaction and fostering a long-term relationship

3. Attention to Detail

Flutter professionals with an eye for detail can easily detect various small elements within the code and design of the user interface. An eye for detail is vital to delivering an end product that is elegant and polished. Professionals might possess the same level of technological acumen but what makes a difference is an eye for nuance.

What are the Technical Skills for Flutter Developers?

1. Dart

Flutter app developers should demonstrate an advanced level of expertise with Dart. It should be considered as the most vital tool in the arsenal of Flutter professionals. Dart is the foundational language serving as the base for Flutter. A developer proficient in Dart eliminates the need for any platform-specific language while ensuring code authorship, and simplified maintenance along with an accelerated development process.

With the aid of Dart, Flutter professionals have a unified approach toward development where coordination efforts are minimized and a synchronized workflow is developed. Therefore Flutter professionals should possess fluency in Dart which allows seamless transition between front-end and back-end while maintaining a cohesive codebase.

2. Flutter Frameworks

The Flutter Frameworks helps app developers to build native-looking mobile applications that are compatible with Android and iOS devices. The framework provides a set of tools and widgets that help developers build user-friendly applications.

3. Third-party Libraries

Flutter app developers utilize a lot of third-party libraries which allows them to add various functionalities within their applications. Firebase, Dio, Hive, and Get are some of the common third-party libraries utilized by Flutter Developers to add a wide range of functionality within their applications.

4. App Architecture

App architecture refers to the overall design and structure of the mobile application. An in-depth knowledge of architectural patterns such as Model View Controller (MVC), Model View View Model (MVVM), and Bloc helps developers to build applications that are scalable, performant, and reliable.

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Salary of a Flutter Developer?

As per Stack Overflow, an estimated $43,000 USD is the median flutter developer salary. Globally, junior-to-senior Flutter developers are predicted to make between $34,000 and $121,000.

2. Is Flutter Developer Easy?

Mastering the Flutter framework is a simple task. More specifically, compared to other frameworks like React Native, it is simpler. You'll feel comfortable coding in Flutter, even if you've never done it before. As an example, the rich widget library in Flutter makes it easy to construct apps without having to write complicated code.

3. What Language is Flutter In?

Dart, an open-source programming language also created by Google, is used by Flutter. Many of Dart's advantages are employed in Flutter, as Dart is well-suited for creating user interfaces.

4. Is Flutter a Frontend or Backend?

When creating interactive front ends with custom widgets, Dart is an excellent tool to use. But unlike Flutter, which is simple to use, supports community development, and makes use of the class structure, Dart lacked a backend framework. Firebase is mostly used by Flutter developers for backend development.

5. Is Flutter Easy or Java?

Because Flutter is a more recent language with a simpler syntax than Java, it is easier for beginners to master. Flutter also boasts a sizable development community and a wealth of useful tools. But Java is a more developed language with a wider range of available libraries and frameworks.

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Flutter Developers

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

Flutter Developers

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

Flutter Developer for Cloud Computing | Harnessing the power of cloud technologies, Flutter experts at ClanX develop robust and scalable apps with seamless cloud integration, suitable for SaaS products and enterprise solutions.

Full-Stack Flutter Developer | Combining front-end and back-end expertise, our full-stack Flutter developers can build complete systems, from database and server-side technologies to fluid interfaces, ideal for startups and MVP development.

Flutter Microservices Developer | Specializing in crafting modular and maintainable code, our developers utilize microservices architecture to create efficient, independently scalable components of larger systems, perfect for large-scale enterprise applications.

Flutter AI Developer | With their expertise in AI libraries and plugins, our Flutter developers can integrate intelligent algorithms into your app, enabling features like chatbots, predictive analytics, or image recognition to enhance user engagement.

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ClanX is a true partner. We were able to build a solid team and our entire company was eventually acquired.
Jayson Dmello
Head of Product, The Girl Tribe
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ClanX not only found us the best talent, but also helped us scale up and down as required. Brilliant solution!
Nikunj Ladani
Design Head, GoodWorker

Still Curious? These might help...

What makes hiring Flutter developers from ClanX a strategic choice for cross-platform app development? | ClanX Flutter developers use a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms, increasing development efficiency and reducing costs.

How experienced are ClanX's Flutter developers in building custom widgets? | Our developers have extensive experience in creating custom widgets, which ensures your app stands out with a unique design and smooth user experience.

Can ClanX's Flutter developers integrate advanced features like GPS, camera, storage, and third-party SDKs? | Yes, our engineers are proficient in integrating numerous device-specific features and third-party services, enhancing app functionality.

Do the Flutter developers at ClanX follow Agile methodologies? | Yes, our developers are well-versed in Agile methodologies, ensuring continuous integration, delivery, and feedback for high-quality app deployment.

How does ClanX ensure the scalability of the applications developed with Flutter? | Through clean code practices and architecture planning, our developers build apps that are easily scalable to accommodate growing user bases.

What kind of support and maintenance can I expect from hiring a ClanX Flutter developer? | ClanX offers continuous support and maintenance services, ensuring your application remains up-to-date and performs optimally at all times.

Is it possible to hire a ClanX Flutter developer for an existing project? | Absolutely, our Flutter developers can seamlessly integrate with your existing project team to provide their expertise and boost productivity.

How does ClanX ensure code quality and security in Flutter app development? | Through rigorous testing, code reviews, and adherence to best security practices, we ensure high-quality standards and secure applications.


Flutter Developers

in 48 hours

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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Developer

DevOps Dashboard Engineer

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UX/UI Developer

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Interaction Design Specialist

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Brand Experience Designer

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Human Factors Engineer

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Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

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