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Full Stack Developers

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Why Hire 

Full Stack Developers

 from ClanX?


Proven Problem Solvers | ClanX Full Stack Developers have a track record of effectively tackling complex software challenges, leveraging their deep understanding of both front and back-end technologies.

Proven Problem Solvers | ClanX Full Stack Developers have a track record of effectively tackling complex software challenges, leveraging their deep understanding of both front and back-end technologies.


Efficient Project Management | Our developers are skilled in agile methodologies, ensuring that development is adaptable and milestones are consistently met within deadlines.

Efficient Project Management | Our developers are skilled in agile methodologies, ensuring that development is adaptable and milestones are consistently met within deadlines.


Advanced Technical Skills | ClanX developers stay current with industry standards, often certified in modern languages and frameworks such as React, Node.js, and Angular.

Advanced Technical Skills | ClanX developers stay current with industry standards, often certified in modern languages and frameworks such as React, Node.js, and Angular.


Seamless Integration Experience | With extensive experience in API creation and third-party integrations, our developers can connect disparate systems for a unified solution.

Seamless Integration Experience | With extensive experience in API creation and third-party integrations, our developers can connect disparate systems for a unified solution.


Cost-Effective Scaling | Hiring Full Stack Developers from ClanX allows for versatility in scaling your team according to project requirements, reducing overhead costs.

Cost-Effective Scaling | Hiring Full Stack Developers from ClanX allows for versatility in scaling your team according to project requirements, reducing overhead costs.


Quality Assurance & Testing | Our Full Stack Developers come equipped with best practices in testing to ensure the delivery of reliable and high-quality software products.

Quality Assurance & Testing | Our Full Stack Developers come equipped with best practices in testing to ensure the delivery of reliable and high-quality software products.

Getting started with ClanX

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2. Get recommendations

Meet highly curated, ready-to-interview builders with verified skills and availability. We do all the heavy lifting so you just need to conduct the final interview round to check for culture fit.

3. Interview and Hire

You conduct the final round with the candidate, based on the feedback either we share more profiles or you hire the talent. Our historical data says, out of 10 builder profiles that we share, 8 get hired.


Full Stack Developers

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

Full Stack Developers

use to craft amazing products.

tools | Git, Docker, Webpack, NPM
databases | MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis
languages | JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP
libraries | React, Redux, Express.js, jQuery

How Much Does a Full Stack Developer Cost?

The salary of a full-stack developer varies based on factors such as skill proficiency, domain expertise, and seniority. The average annual salary of full-stack developers in the United States is within the range of $60K to $1,50,000.

How Do I Find Full Stack Developers?

When looking for a full-stack programmer, consider the following regions:

  • Forums for Freelancers: Clanx.ai serves as a platform for freelancers, giving a wide pool of qualified individuals. This forum helps people connect with full-stack programmers who can help with unique requirements for the project.
  • Communities of Full-stack Developers: Participate in full-stack development communities. These organisations encourage collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the identification of skilled workers in the full-stack development sector.
  • Websites Providing General Programming Q&A: Look at websites that provide general programming Q&A. These sites are useful for connecting with and evaluating full-stack developers based on their skills and contributions.
  • Code Databases: Code databases are repositories or storage systems which store programming code. These databases allow for the organised and effective maintenance of codebases, facilitating developer collaboration and version control. 
  • Social networking sites: Social networking sites are online platforms that allow people to interact, share information, and participate in virtual communities. These platforms facilitate contact, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas among individuals all around the world. 
  • Networking in person and remotely: Networking can take place both in-person and remotely. Face-to-face interactions at events, conferences, or workplaces constitute in-person networking. Remote networking makes use of digital tools to allow connections and collaborations to occur beyond geographical boundaries. This two-pronged approach strengthens professional contacts and opportunities. 

Do Companies Hire Full Stack Developers?

Companies hire full stack developers because they have the capabilities to handle front-end and back-end development while ensuring smooth product development. Due to their versatile skill set, companies hire full stack engineers to build their software solutions, such as web applications, etc.

What is the Best Way to Hire Full Stack Developers?

ClanX way is the best way to hire full stack developers. Dynamic team scaling, global talent access, automated compliance, and 24/7 support for a tech-driven future

Hire Full Stack Developers

As a Full Stack Developer, you possess the ideal combination of front-end and back-end knowledge, ensuring smooth user experiences and robust server functionality. Your skill set spans the whole web development spectrum, whether you're skilled at creating responsive user interfaces or constructing efficient databases.

  • Move seamlessly between front-end and back-end development, demonstrating a broad skill set that adds value across the development process.
  • Stay on the bleeding edge of technology by using the most recent frameworks and languages to create cutting-edge solutions for a variety of tasks.
  • Handle complicated problems with ease, relying on your analytical brain and coding prowess to offer elegant and effective solutions.

The role of a full stack developer has gained prominence within the last decade. Previously, a website would run with the help of a designer and developer. However, the scope of development has witnessed a steady rise encompassing varied full stack developer job descriptions within itself, such as frontend developer, backend developer, mobile developer, etc.

Therefore, companies expect to hire an entity possessing a single job title while handling multiple roles and responsibilities related to the tech stack.

What is Meant By Full Stack Engineer?

Before you can become a full-stack developer, you must first comprehend the word "full-stack." A "full-stack" developer works on both frontend and backend projects.

Frontend development (also known as client-side construction) projects encompass everything that users see. It includes customer-interactive websites and web applications (for example, the user interface of an online sales web application).

Backend development (or server-side construction) projects encompass any component of a website or web app that is not visible to the user. Backend development focuses on three main areas: 

  • The server is the computer that runs the website's backend.
  • The database is the location where the website's data is stored.
  • The tool that interfaces with the server and database is known as an application.

Full-stack developers must use both frontend and backend languages as well as instruments because they work on both frontend and backend projects.

This consists of front-end development languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, as well as backend development languages such as Java, Python, and Ruby.

What is the Role of a Full Stack Developer?

The full stack developer job consists of a range of varied capabilities encompassing front-end and back-end systems while ensuring efficient product management.

1. Front-End

Full stack programmers churn the code that transitions into a seamless user experience without interface functionality issues while tweaking the colour and typography displayed on the interface. The full stack programmer should be proficient with arranging the copywriting, graphics, etc., and converting these characteristics into webspeak while maintaining efficient optimisation.

2. Back-End

The core forte of full stack developers is to deal with the multiple functionalities within the backend, such as server-side scripting and developing databases. These responsibilities can be summed up as the maintenance and development of the core logic and various operations within the software.

3. Product Management

Full stack developers are well-versed in the technical processes of the entire tech stack. They serve as a link of communication between the engineering teams and the client. Due to their understanding of the entire technology development process, they align the business needs with the technical capabilities and provide a perfect end product to the customer.

The full stack developer is well aware of the overall business dynamics, which serves as a beacon light while directing the product development teams.

What are the Skills for Full Stack Programmers?

Full stack developers should have the following soft skills and technical skills:

1. Collaborative Approach Towards Work

A full stack developer should have a collaborative approach to work. It is necessary to possess such an approach because they are dealing with multiple teams and are positioned as the link of communication between various teams and clients. 

The full stack developer is responsible for eradicating multiple silos within the workplace and ensuring the product starts getting rolled up instantly. An individual with a collaborative approach will ensure that the ideas of all stakeholders are taken into consideration and deliver a final product encompassing multiple viewpoints.

2. Learning Approach

Full stack programmers deal with the entire technology stack. The current era is rampant with the rapid upgradation of existing technologies. An individual possessing such an approach towards work always tries to stay up-to-date with the recent technologies and developments within the ecosystem. 

Apart from that, the services of full stack programmers are utilized in various projects. On completion of a project, full stack programmers are roped in for a new project, which most probably uses a different tech stack.

Therefore, full-stack programmers should be quick learners so that they can easily integrate themselves with the requirements of the new project.

What Technical Skills are Required For Full Stack Developers?

1. Back-End

Full stack developers should be efficient with a range of processes, such as:

  • Proficiency with programming full stack developer languages such as Python, PHP, or Ruby dealing with the server side. A grasp over considerably niche and hot frameworks such as Sinatra, Grail, Django, etc.
  • Knowledge of web architecture, data management, and efficiency with caching processes based on SQL Server and MongoDB.
  • Efficiency with software dealing with version control such as GIT, SVN, and Linux.
  • grasp of fundamental concepts dealing with server and configuration management.

2. Front-End

The front end deals with the user-facing code; therefore, a full stack developer should be proficient with certain processes:

  • Advanced expertise across various programming full stack developer languages, such as HTML and JavaScript.
  • A grasp of various third-party libraries, such as Ajax, JSON, and DOM, is necessary to craft spectacular user experiences.
  • An idea of libraries such as LESS and SASS. Knowledge of frameworks such as AngularJS, Bootstrap, and Ember JS is necessary to curate web applications.

3. Database Management

  • Full stack programmers should be proficient in handling and managing the data that comes with the system. The data comes into the system from various streams; however, the developer should be proficient in optimally managing and storing the data.
  • To ensure efficient data management, full stack developers should be acquainted with database management systems such as MongoDB and MySQL. Full stack developers should be aware of various database management systems and their pitfalls and benefits while possessing the acumen to critically analyse the right management system for the specific task.

4. UI/UX Skills

Full stack developers should have a good understanding of the fundamental concepts of UI and UX. The knowledge of UI helps the candidate ensure that the layout of the interface is structured in an easily readable manner. Full stack developers also have to ensure that the overall aesthetic of the interface is top-notch while dealing with the technicalities.

  • Efficiency in leveraging creativity ensures design principles are maintained while the focus stays on maintaining a human-centric design.
  • Crafting graphics, mock-ups, and layouts wherein visual design and visual strength based on colours and typography are efficiently maintained

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are Full Stack Engineers Highly Paid?

The average yearly earnings for a full-stack developer are $102,006, according to Indeed. Full-stack engineers can also earn up to $5,000 in annual bonuses and non-cash benefits. Salaries vary according to expertise level, as predicted. Entry-level full-stack developers earn roughly $90,376 per year, while experienced experts can earn up to $205k per year, according to Glassdoor.

Your understanding of the front and back ends of websites will make you a more valuable employee and will most likely lead to a more lucrative full-stack development job. Here are some of the full stack developer languages that full-stack developers ought to master:

  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • C#
  • Python
  • React

2. Is Being a Full Stack Developer a Good Career?

In recent years, the number of full-stack engineers has increased dramatically.

Companies are always in need of personnel who can adapt and learn new skills rapidly due to the ever-changing nature of technology. Full-stack developers are the ideal candidates for these positions since they are well-versed in both front-end and back-end programming. Full-stack developers may also work with a range of computer languages, which increases their value to businesses.

The demand for full-stack developers will only increase in the next few years. The number of job openings for full-stack engineers has climbed by 35% in the last five years, according to a report from Burning Glass Technologies. Furthermore, the average income for full-stack developers is $110,000, which is much higher than the median salary for all other jobs, according to the same survey.

If you're thinking about a career in full-stack programming, now is the time to act. Full-stack development is an excellent alternative for anyone wishing to start or advance their career in technology, thanks to its high income and solid employment growth prospects.

The skill sets required of developers change as technology advances. Full stack developers are in high demand as employers want applicants with a diverse set of abilities who can contribute to all elements of a project.

3. Is Full Stack in High Demand?

Companies no longer recruit separate front-end and back-end developers. Today, they're looking for tech experts—full-stack developers—who can manage the whole development spectrum. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, demand for software engineers is expected to increase by 22% between 2020 and 2030. This growing reliance on adaptable IT professionals demonstrates the critical role that full-stack developers play in fostering competitiveness and creativity.

Traditional walls that separated web development jobs are dissolving faster than a wet biscuit. Why hire two when one hero can accomplish all of it? Full Stack Developers are experts in both fields, capable of building appealing user interfaces as well as the sturdy backend systems that allow everything. They're the wizards who can make websites tango and databases sing while maintaining security as strong as a fortress.

4. Is Python Full Stack in Demand?

You have the distinct advantage of being skilled in both frontend and backend programming as a Python full stack developer, making you an invaluable commodity in the workforce marketplace. This part will go over job opportunities for Python full stack developers.

Full stack Python engineers are in high demand since they can design end-to-end web apps and operate across various layers of the development stack. Some popular job responsibilities and possibilities are as follows:

  • Full-stack developer: Build and manage web apps while aiding in front-end as well as back-end development.
  • Web developer: Focus on designing dynamic and interactive websites, web applications, and APIs as a web developer.
  • Software engineer: Create software solutions such as online applications, applications for desktops, and other applications.
  • DevOps engineer: Work with developers and IT operations staff to automate and streamline the software development lifecycle, from coding to distribution and monitoring.

Full stack Python developers can find work in a variety of industries, including technology, banking, healthcare, education, and e-commerce.

5. What is the Future of Full Stack?

Most developers used to specialise in either front-end or back-end programming. However, as websites and applications have become more complicated, full stack developers have grown in popularity. As a result, many developers are opting to specialise in full stack development in order to stay ahead of the competition.

While full stack engineer demand is likely to expand in the future, a few things may influence this trend. Is full stack developer demand increasing, or will full stack developer demand prevail? First, as more firms migrate to cloud-based solutions, the demand for traditional back-end developers will decline.

Furthermore, the rise of AI and machine learning may result in more automated development employment, diminishing the demand for human developers. Despite these possible hurdles, demand for full stack developers is projected to keep growing significantly in the coming years.

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Full Stack Developers

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

Full Stack Developers

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

Full-stack Development Consultant | As consultants, they assess your entire software stack to provide strategic advice, optimizing and streamlining your workflows with solutions like automated systems for data management.

Custom Application Engineer | They excel in crafting tailored applications, whether bridging gaps in enterprise software with custom modules or developing unique web platforms to engage your user base effectively.

Integration Specialist | ClanX Full Stack Developers can synchronize disparate software systems, integrating CRM, ERP, and other essential services to create a cohesive business environment.

Technology Upgrade Architect | They lead legacy system modernization, transforming outdated platforms into modern, responsive, and efficient applications, thereby facilitating better user engagement and operational agility.

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ClanX is a true partner. We were able to build a solid team and our entire company was eventually acquired.
Jayson Dmello
Head of Product, The Girl Tribe
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ClanX not only found us the best talent, but also helped us scale up and down as required. Brilliant solution!
Nikunj Ladani
Design Head, GoodWorker

Still Curious? These might help...

What advantages do ClanX Full Stack Developers offer over specialists in a single discipline? | Our Full Stack Developers have a broad expertise that covers all layers of development, enabling them to handle comprehensive solutions from database to user interface which allows a smoother development process.

How do ClanX Full Stack Developers keep up with the rapidly evolving tech landscape? | Regular training and the pursuit of certifications allows our developers to stay ahead in the field, consistently integrating the latest advancements into your projects.

Can ClanX Full Stack Developers handle both UI/UX design and server-side logic? | Absolutely, they have the capacity to create intuitive user interfaces while also constructing robust server-side applications, ensuring a seamless user experience and solid performance.

How does hiring a Full Stack Developer from ClanX lead to cost savings? | As versatile professionals, they can handle multiple aspects of a project, reducing the need to hire separate specialists for frontend and backend, which streamlines your team and cuts costs.

What kinds of projects are ClanX Full Stack Developers best suited for? | They are ideal for MVP development, e-commerce solutions, custom application development, and enterprise software upgrades, handling both the innovations and the routine.

How do ClanX Full Stack Developers ensure my project is built to scale? | They architect solutions with scalability in mind, using technologies and approaches that accommodate growth and can manage increasing load and complexity.

In terms of project management, how do ClanX Full Stack Developers operate? | They often adopt agile methodologies, continuously delivering smaller sections of the project to keep progress transparent and adapt quickly to changes.

What sort of maintenance and support can I expect from ClanX Full Stack Developers post-launch? | Our developers are committed to the long-term success of your project, providing maintenance, updates, and support to ensure ongoing operations are smooth.


Full Stack Developers

in 48 hours

The ClanX Universe

We have these A+ folks on our talent network

Machine Learning Engineer

Data Engineer

Natural Language Processing Engineer

Computer Vision Engineer

Algorithm Engineer

Robotics Engineer

Deep Learning Engineer

AI Software Developer

AI Hardware Specialist

Research Engineer (AI/ML)

Autonomous Systems Engineer

AI Application Engineer

Machine Learning Infrastructure Engineer

Speech Recognition Engineer

AI Security Engineer

Reinforcement Learning Engineer

AI Research Engineer

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Engineer

Machine Intelligence Engineer

Predictive Modeller

Quantitative Machine Learning Engineer

AI Product Engineer

Machine Learning Systems Designer

Edge ML Engineer

Generative Model Engineer

Machine Learning Platform Engineer

Machine Learning DevOps Engineer

AI Optimization Engineer

Conversational AI Engineer

Applied Machine Learning Engineer

AI Solutions Engineer

AI/ML Advisory Engineer

Bioinformatics Engineer

AI Algorithm Optimization Engineer

Language Model Engineer

AI Implementation Engineer

Synthetic Data Engineer

Perception Systems Engineer

AI Research Programmer

Deep Learning Platform Engineer

AI System Validation Engineer

AI/ML Toolchain Engineer

Machine Learning Modeler

AI Innovation Engineer

AI Integration Engineer

AI/ML Test Engineer

AI Software Performance Engineer

AI Data Strategy Engineer

Recommender Systems Engineer

AI Policy Engineer

Metaverse Developer

Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Full Stack Engineer

DevOps Engineer

Software Architect

Mobile Developer (Android)

Mobile Developer (iOS)

Flutter Developer

Embedded Systems Engineer

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Security Engineer

Database Engineer

Systems Engineer

Smart Contract Developer

Network Engineer

UI/UX Developer

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer

Game Developer

Graphics Engineer

Data Warehouse Engineer

Technical Lead

Scrum Master

Release Engineer

Application Engineer

Infrastructure Engineer

Performance Engineer

Hardware Engineer

React Developers

Test Automation Engineer

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Solutions Engineer

Support Engineer

Integration Engineer

Tooling Engineer

Platform Engineer

Data Privacy Engineer

Sales Engineer

Customer Success Engineer

Product Engineer

Compliance Engineer

Accessibility Engineer

Operations Engineer

Video Game Engineer

Virtual Reality (VR) Engineer

Augmented Reality (AR) Engineer

Blockchain Engineer

Cryptography Engineer

Localization Engineer

System Administrator

Network Administrator

User Interface (UI) Engineer

User Experience (UX) Engineer

Golang Developer

Internet of Things (IoT) Engineer

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Automation Architect

DevOps Toolchain Engineer

Security Operations (SecOps) Engineer

Release Manager

Platform Engineer

CI/CD  Engineer

DevOps Consultant

Kubernetes Engineer

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Developer

DevOps Dashboard Engineer

Observability Engineer

Systems Orchestration Engineer

DevSecOps Engineer

Infrastructure Automation Engineer

Cloud Optimization Engineer

Continuous Delivery Engineer

DevOps Metrics and Analytics Engineer

Production Engineer

Deployment Automation Engineer

Operations Automation Developer

Cloud Security Engineer

Configuration Management Specialist

DevOps Evangelist

Site Operations Engineer

Cloud Systems Engineer

DevOps Compliance Officer

Scalability Engineer

Edge Computing Specialist

AI Product Manager

Technical Product Manager

Data Product Manager

Platform Product Manager

Product Owner (Agile/Scrum)

User Experience Product Manager

Growth Product Manager

Cloud Product Manager

Security Product Manager

Product Compliance Manager

Digital Product Manager

Product Analytics Manager

E-commerce Product Manager

IoT Product Manager

AR/VR Product Manager

Mobile Product Manager

Enterprise Software Product Manager

Customer Success Product Manager

Innovation Product Manager

Sustainability Product Manager

Edge Computing Product Manager

Blockchain Product Manager

DevOps Product Manager

AI Ethics Product Manager

FinTech Product Manager

HealthTech Product Manager

EdTech Product Manager

Biotech Product Manager

Gaming Product Manager

Content Product Manager

Social Media Product Manager

Product Operations Manager

Technical Product Owner

Product Strategy Manager

Internationalisation Product Manager

Accessibility Product Manager

Infrastructure Product Manager

AI/ML Product Manager

Cybersecurity Product Manager

Data Privacy Product Manager

Cloud Services Product Manager

UX/UI Product Manager

Compliance and Regulations Product Manager

Product Quality Manager

User Experience (UX) Designer

User Interface (UI) Designer

Interaction Designer

Product Design Strategist

Visual Designer

Information Architect

User Researcher

Service Designer

UX Writer


Accessibility Designer

UX Engineer

Design Operations Manager

Design System Manager

Design Technologist

UX/UI Developer

Experience Design Lead

Industrial Designer (for physical tech products)

Interaction Design Specialist

Digital Product Designer

Motion Designer (for UI animations)

Brand Experience Designer

Design Researcher

Environmental Designer (for hardware)

Human Factors Engineer

Principal Designer

Creative Technologist

Voice User Interface Designer

Augmented Reality Designer

Virtual Reality Designer

3D Modeler

Color and Material Designer

Wearable Technology Designer

Packaging Designer

Design Sprint Facilitator

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)

Chief Security Officer (CSO)

Vice President of Engineering

Vice President of Product

Director of Engineering

Director of Product Management

Head of Design

Head of User Experience

Head of Research and Development (R&D)

Program Director

Technical Director

Head of AI/ML

Head of Cloud Services

Head of Data Science

Head of Cybersecurity

Head of Infrastructure

Head of Innovation

Head of IT Operations

Head of Technology Strategy

Head of Digital Transformation

Head of DevOps

Head of Software Development

Head of Platform Development

Head of Technical Architecture

Head of Product Innovation

Head of Quality Assurance

Head of Systems Engineering

Head of Mobile Technology

Head of Enterprise Applications

Head of Internet of Things (IoT)

Head of Robotics