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Machine Learning Engineer

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Why Hire 

Machine Learning Engineer

 from ClanX?


Proven Problem-Solving Skills | ClanX's Machine Learning Engineers have a track record of tackling complex data challenges, ensuring your business can overcome obstacles and innovate effectively.

Proven Problem-Solving Skills | ClanX's Machine Learning Engineers have a track record of tackling complex data challenges, ensuring your business can overcome obstacles and innovate effectively.


Advanced Analytical Abilities | With deep expertise in statistical analysis and model development, our talent can extract significant insights from your data, empowering smarter business decisions.

Advanced Analytical Abilities | With deep expertise in statistical analysis and model development, our talent can extract significant insights from your data, empowering smarter business decisions.


Experience with Real-world Data | Our engineers are adept at cleaning, manipulating, and extracting value from real-world data, providing reliable and actionable solutions that drive success.

Experience with Real-world Data | Our engineers are adept at cleaning, manipulating, and extracting value from real-world data, providing reliable and actionable solutions that drive success.


Cutting-edge Machine Learning Technologies | Leveraging the latest machine learning algorithms and tools, ClanX's engineers can keep you ahead of the curve in a rapidly-evolving technological landscape.

Cutting-edge Machine Learning Technologies | Leveraging the latest machine learning algorithms and tools, ClanX's engineers can keep you ahead of the curve in a rapidly-evolving technological landscape.


Optimization and Efficiency | By employing advanced optimization techniques, our engineers ensure your algorithms and models run swiftly and efficiently, maximizing your return on investment.

Optimization and Efficiency | By employing advanced optimization techniques, our engineers ensure your algorithms and models run swiftly and efficiently, maximizing your return on investment.


Cross-industry Expertise | Our Machine Learning Engineers come with diverse experience across sectors, enabling them to apply industry-specific knowledge to solve unique problems for your company.

Cross-industry Expertise | Our Machine Learning Engineers come with diverse experience across sectors, enabling them to apply industry-specific knowledge to solve unique problems for your company.

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Machine Learning Engineer

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

Machine Learning Engineer

use to craft amazing products.

tools | TensorFlow, PyTorch, scikit-learn
databases | MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
languages | Python, R, Java
libraries | Keras, Pandas, NumPy

How Much Does It Cost to Hire Machine Learning Engineers?

Hiring machine learning experts can be expensive depending on a number of variables, including industry, region, and experience. The typical hourly rate for machine learning engineers on Upwork is between $25 and $50, based on certain salary aggregate websites. 

Some businesses, however, could impose additional costs or provide alternative engagement structures, such as project-based or fixed-price contracts.

How Much Does a Machine Learning Engineer Make?

The industry, region, and level of experience all affect a machine learning specialists pay. The average pay for a machine learning engineer in India is expected to be ₹12,72,995 in 2023, whereas the average pay in the US is expected to be $161,260  per year, according to several salary websites. 

Nevertheless, depending on their abilities, credentials, and output, certain machine learning engineers may make more or less money.

Is Machine Learning Engineer Still in Demand?

Indeed, there is still a need for machine learning engineers, and that need is only projected to increase. Healthcare, transportation, finance, agriculture, cybersecurity, and other businesses and sectors can all benefit from machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence. 

The design, development, and upkeep of artificial intelligence systems that can produce new and unique content—text, images, audio, and video—based on input data or specifications fall within the purview of machine learning specialists. 

Strong mathematical and statistical knowledge, as well as sophisticated computer science and data science abilities, are prerequisites for machine learning engineers. Based on certain studies, there will be a 40% increase in the need for experts in AI and ML between 2023 and 2027.

Hire Machine Learning Engineer

Recent years have seen amazing progress in machine learning. Furthermore, as this technology has spread and grown more widely available, it has swiftly emerged as a major contributor to many of the modern technical achievements. 

With applications ranging from voice and picture recognition to autonomous cars and medical diagnostics, this potent branch of AI is becoming more than simply a thing of the future—rather, it is a major force in today's digital industry.

Machine learning specialists now have an abundance of employment options due to the field's quick adoption. Although there is a great need for tech experts with this particular skill set, just 13% of organizations believe there is an adequate supply of workers with these skills.

It's critical to comprehend the responsibilities of a machine learning engineer and the knowledge and abilities required to succeed in this sector as more engineers seek to enter it and as employers hunt for these bright individuals.

Hiring managers and tech workers may both better navigate the quickly changing tech world and take advantage of the countless opportunities machine learning offers by developing a deeper grasp of the responsibilities of a machine learning engineer.

What is a Machine Learning Engineer?

Machine learning engineering is the process of taking an ML model that has been generated and making it available for usage by the product or consumers by combining analytical and data science knowledge with concepts from software engineering.

A YouTube machine learning engineer could be responsible for creating the next-generation YouTube recommendation algorithm, creating an ML pipeline around it, and integrating it into the platform so that you, the user, can click the "next" button to view the next suggested video.

What is the Role of a Machine Learning Engineer?

The creation and application of machine learning models and algorithms is primarily the responsibility of machine learning engineers. Their specialty is creating, honing, and using these models to resolve challenging issues and draw conclusions from huge datasets. Let's examine the particular duties and projects performed by machine learning specialists.

1. Processing Data

Preparing data is one of a machine learning engineer's core responsibilities. Large volumes of data must be gathered, cleaned, and arranged in a way that makes it ideal for machine learning model training. 

High-quality data is essential for machine learning algorithms, and data preparation makes sure the data is in a format that can be used. This could entail performing operations like feature transformation, data normalization, and addressing missing values.

2. Design and Selection of Algorithms

The best algorithms for the job at hand are those that machine learning specialists choose or create. To choose the most effective strategy, they examine the problem domain, the data that is at their disposal, and the intended results. 

Selecting the appropriate algorithm, such as a decision tree, support vector machine, or deep neural network, is necessary for this. To properly train the models, they also need to take hyperparameter tweaking, appropriate loss function selection, and optimization methods into account.

3. Training and Assessment of Models

Machine learning engineers use the ready-made data to train the models after choosing or designing the method. Throughout training cycles, they iteratively tweak the model's hyperparameters and parameters to maximize performance. 

A variety of measures, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, are used to assess the model's performance. This assessment aids in determining the model's efficacy and directs future modifications or enhancements.

4. Integration and Deployment

Deploying the trained model in a production environment is the last step in the workflow of a machine learning engineer. This means making sure the model is compatible and scalable by integrating it into larger systems or applications. 

Machine learning developers need to think about things like processing data in real-time, storing data efficiently, and managing newly received data. They collaborate closely with DevOps and software engineering teams to guarantee a seamless deployment and track the model's effectiveness in practical settings.

What are the Skills for Machine Learning Engineers?

  • Effective Communication: Data scientists and product teams are two examples of stakeholders that machine learning engineers must collaborate with. Other stakeholders may not be as technical. It is, therefore, essential to modify your communication approach according to the stakeholder you are interacting with.
  • Addressing challenges: The primary goal of a machine learning project is to solve a problem, even with all of the sophisticated tools at its disposal. This implies that critical and creative problem-solving thinking is a highly valued skill for machine learning developers.
  • Quick learner: The subject of machine learning is developing quickly; even as you read this, a researcher is striving to enhance a model or procedure someplace. You need to have a flair for picking up new tools quickly and understand how, when, and where they perform best in order to stay on the cutting edge. To put it briefly, choosing to work as a machine learning engineer implicitly involves a commitment to lifelong learning.

What are the Technical Skills of Machine Learning Engineers?

Machine learning engineers also need to possess some of the specialized, technical abilities needed to program and train models. Similar to any other engineering or developer position, various positions will call for various skill sets. However, the following are just a few of the kinds of machine learning engineer skills you'll have to possess:

  • Basics of Python programming
  • Basics of Tensorflow Programming & ML Operations
  • Ability to Work with Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • System and software Design (i.e., testing, version control, modular coding, documentation,etc.)
  • Procedures for preparing data
  • Pretraining techniques with data
  • Frameworks and libraries for machine learning (e.g., TensorFlow, Sci-kit Learn, PyTorch, Keras, Hugging Face, Pandas)

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What does a machine learning engineer do?

Generally speaking, a machine learning engineer should be able to:

  • Write code that is extremely scalable for a variety of applications.
  • Create, maintain, or optimize data pipelines.
  • Create machine learning apps in real time for customization.
  • Maintain flawless records.
  • Participate in agile teamwork.
  • Look for ways to enhance systems and procedures within the IT stack.

Data preparation and cleaning are the first steps in the machine-learning process. Next, a model is chosen to use the data and generate recommendations based on patterns found in the data. 

The program will get increasingly adept at providing answers as it gains more experience getting to know the user (consider the Netflix network suggesting the next show to you as an example).

The machine learning engineer will frequently have to double as a full-stack engineer, data analyst, or IT specialist. To attract the best and brightest, job vacancies are marketed as machine learning engineers; however, many firms are really looking for a well-rounded programmer and problem solver.

Data scientists and machine learning specialists collaborate closely to develop models that the former uses to process data and the latter scales to production levels. They use the scientists' theoretical models and apply them on a large scale.

2. What qualifications do I need to be a machine learning engineer?

You require a bachelor's degree in computer science, mathematics, or a similar discipline to work as a machine learning engineer. A Ph.D. or master's degree in machine learning or a comparable discipline may be necessary for some roles. 

Additionally, you must possess good mathematical, data science, and programming abilities. Machine learning frameworks, tools, and algorithms like scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Python should be familiar to you.

3. What is a machine learning engineer salary?

Jobs in machine learning are usually quite profitable. Machine learning engineers receive compensation that is far higher than the national average—often exceeding six figures—just like many other high-level technology and computer science positions. 

As of October 2023, Indeed reports that the average income for a machine learning engineer is $160,471.

4. Is machine learning engineering hard?

The field of machine learning engineering is stimulating and lucrative, but it can be difficult to get into and stay in. Complex mathematical and statistical ideas, including calculus, probability, linear algebra, and optimization, are all part of machine learning. 

Along with substantial programming and debugging machine learning engineer skills, working with big and diverse data sets is another requirement of machine learning. Being a machine learning engineer requires years of study and experience; this is not an entry-level position.

5. Is AI and ML a good career?

Over the last four years, jobs related to AI and machine learning have increased by about 75%, and this trend is expected to continue. Choosing to work in machine learning is a wise decision if you want a well-paying career that will be in demand for many years.

With a multitude of advantages and employment options, AI and ML are sectors that are expanding quickly. 

Due to their ability to address a wide range of issues and difficulties, including those related to healthcare, education, the environment, and security, AI and ML can also benefit society. A job in AI and ML can be a great fit for people who have a strong interest in technology, data, and education.

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Machine Learning Engineer

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

Machine Learning Engineer

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

Full-stack Machine Learning Engineer | Capable of handling both back-end and front-end ML development, they can manage the full life cycle of AI applications - from system design to deployment. Examples include developing end-to-end ML-driven web apps.

Machine Learning Engineer for Cloud Computing | Specialized in deploying ML models on the cloud, they streamline operations, enhance scalability, and reduce costs. Use cases involve setting up ML services on AWS or GCP for seamless scalability.

Machine Learning Maintenance and Support Engineer | Focused on ensuring the smooth operation of ML systems post-deployment, they handle fine-tuning, updating models, and resolving any performance issues. For instance, maintaining recommendation systems for e-commerce platforms.

Machine Learning Engineer for Edge Computing | Proficient in optimizing ML models for edge devices, they facilitate faster, localized decision-making. They're ideal for use cases like real-time analysis on IoT devices with minimal latency.

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Still Curious? These might help...

What projects can ClanX Machine Learning Engineers help with? | They can aid in a variety of projects, including predictive analytics, natural language processing, computer vision, and algorithmic trading, enhancing your operations with AI-driven solutions.

How do ClanX Machine Learning Engineers stay abreast of the latest industry trends? | Through continuous learning, attending workshops, and contributing to open-source projects, they keep up with evolving technologies to apply state-of-the-art solutions to your business.

What is the process for integrating a Machine Learning Engineer into our existing team? | ClanX ensures a smooth integration process - involving assessment of your project needs, meticulous onboarding, and regular communication - to align the engineer with your team's culture and objectives.

Are Machine Learning Engineers from ClanX experienced with cloud computing platforms? | Yes, they are proficient with platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure, enabling scalable, cost-effective solutions tailored to your machine learning needs.

Can ClanX Machine Learning Engineers work with our proprietary data? | Absolutely, our engineers are trained to handle sensitive data with strict adherence to data privacy standards and your internal protocols.

What sets ClanX Machine Learning Engineers apart from others? | Our engineers' blend of academic excellence and practical experience equips them to deliver innovative, efficient, and robust machine learning solutions that truly stand out.

How can Machine Learning Engineers from ClanX enhance customer experiences? | By employing ML techniques such as recommendation systems and personalized content, they can transform customer interactions into delightful experiences that drive loyalty and growth.

What industries do ClanX Machine Learning Engineers have experience working in? | They bring expertise from various industries including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology, enabling them to tackle industry-specific challenges with tailored solutions.


Machine Learning Engineer

in 48 hours

The ClanX Universe

We have these A+ folks on our talent network

Machine Learning Engineer

Data Engineer

Natural Language Processing Engineer

Computer Vision Engineer

Algorithm Engineer

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Deep Learning Engineer

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Autonomous Systems Engineer

AI Application Engineer

Machine Learning Infrastructure Engineer

Speech Recognition Engineer

AI Security Engineer

Reinforcement Learning Engineer

AI Research Engineer

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Engineer

Machine Intelligence Engineer

Predictive Modeller

Quantitative Machine Learning Engineer

AI Product Engineer

Machine Learning Systems Designer

Edge ML Engineer

Generative Model Engineer

Machine Learning Platform Engineer

Machine Learning DevOps Engineer

AI Optimization Engineer

Conversational AI Engineer

Applied Machine Learning Engineer

AI Solutions Engineer

AI/ML Advisory Engineer

Bioinformatics Engineer

AI Algorithm Optimization Engineer

Language Model Engineer

AI Implementation Engineer

Synthetic Data Engineer

Perception Systems Engineer

AI Research Programmer

Deep Learning Platform Engineer

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AI/ML Toolchain Engineer

Machine Learning Modeler

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Accessibility Designer

UX Engineer

Design Operations Manager

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