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Metaverse Developers

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Why Hire 

Metaverse Developers

 from ClanX?


Diverse Technical Skills | Metaverse developers from ClanX have a wide range of technical skills, including 3D modeling, VR/AR integration, and blockchain technology, ensuring they can tackle complex metaverse projects with confidence.

Diverse Technical Skills | Metaverse developers from ClanX have a wide range of technical skills, including 3D modeling, VR/AR integration, and blockchain technology, ensuring they can tackle complex metaverse projects with confidence.


Innovation and Creativity | ClanX's metaverse developers are at the forefront of innovation, constantly exploring new ways to create immersive and interactive digital experiences to keep your company ahead of the curve.

Innovation and Creativity | ClanX's metaverse developers are at the forefront of innovation, constantly exploring new ways to create immersive and interactive digital experiences to keep your company ahead of the curve.


Advanced Problem-Solving | With their deep understanding of spatial computing and network architecture, our developers excel at identifying and solving technical challenges unique to the metaverse.

Advanced Problem-Solving | With their deep understanding of spatial computing and network architecture, our developers excel at identifying and solving technical challenges unique to the metaverse.


Up-to-Date with Trends | By hiring ClanX's metaverse developers, your company will benefit from experts who are continuously educated on the latest trends, tools, and techniques in the ever-evolving metaverse landscape.

Up-to-Date with Trends | By hiring ClanX's metaverse developers, your company will benefit from experts who are continuously educated on the latest trends, tools, and techniques in the ever-evolving metaverse landscape.


Seamless Integration | Our developers are adept at ensuring the seamless integration of metaverse applications with existing systems, providing a unified experience for users.

Seamless Integration | Our developers are adept at ensuring the seamless integration of metaverse applications with existing systems, providing a unified experience for users.


Professional Collaboration | ClanX metaverse developers are skilled in professional collaboration, making them the perfect fit for working within multidisciplinary teams to deliver comprehensive metaverse solutions.

Professional Collaboration | ClanX metaverse developers are skilled in professional collaboration, making them the perfect fit for working within multidisciplinary teams to deliver comprehensive metaverse solutions.

Getting started with ClanX

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2. Get recommendations

Meet highly curated, ready-to-interview builders with verified skills and availability. We do all the heavy lifting so you just need to conduct the final interview round to check for culture fit.

3. Interview and Hire

You conduct the final round with the candidate, based on the feedback either we share more profiles or you hire the talent. Our historical data says, out of 10 builder profiles that we share, 8 get hired.


Metaverse Developers

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

Metaverse Developers

use to craft amazing products.

tools | Unity, Unreal Engine, Blender, Adobe Creative Suite
databases | MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL
languages | C#, JavaScript, Solidity
libraries | Three.js, A-Frame, Babylon.js

How Do I Hire a Metaverse Developer?

ClanX helps you hire metaverse programmers within a span of 48 hours with the help of dedicated development teams. ClanX helps you hire expert professionals to boost your team or collaborate with a fully managed team tailored to your requirements.

What are the Salaries for Metaverse Developers?

The Metaverse developers salary varies based on factors such as skills proficiency, domain expertise and seniority. However, the average annual Metaverse developers salary in the United States is around $97K.

Who is a Metaverse Developer?

Metaverse Developers are professionals proficient in building immersive worlds within digital realms. These developers utilise a variety of applications, platforms and technologies to build comprehensive virtual realms wherein users can communicate with each other. 

What Programming Language is Metaverse?

Metaverse isn't a programming language, instead, it's a concept which refers to an immersive virtual space where users can socialise, interact and engage with each other. Metaverse Developers create an alternative immersive reality by utilising various programming languages and applications.

Metaverse programmers use a combination of various programming languages for creating immersive virtual realities. However common programming languages used for creating these immersive virtual realities are as follows:

  • C++ and Unity
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Solidity

Hire Metaverse Developer

Metaverse as a term has recent origins. Three decades ago fiction author Neil Stevenson coined the term in his space fiction novel 'Snow Crash.' After the evolution of virtual reality the term Metaverse has moved out of fiction into reality. Virtual Reality is the fuel that powers Metaverse because it allows users to step into an alternative virtual reality, increasing the scope of a user from a viewer.

What is Metaverse?

Metaverse is an online 3D ecosystem utilizing the internet as its base network wherein users interact with various computer objects and avatars. It encompasses a horde of technologies such an Augmented Reality (AR), Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain.

Metaverse functions with the help of collaboration of various technologies and has deveoped itself into a structure which isn't dependent on any dominant platform instead it's a combination of a range of technologies. The introduction of Metaverse has brought a paradigm shift within the engineering culture resulting in a focus shift towards innovation and creativity.

What is a Metaverse Developer?

Metaverse Developers are architects responsible for the construction and development of virtual worlds within an interconnected online network. In layman's terms, a Metaverse developer brings a virtual network to life. They enable users to socialise, transact and interact within immersive digital realms.

What is the Role of a Metaverse Developer?

The roles and responsibilities of Metaverse Developers are as follows:

1. World Building

Metaverse programmers construct digital realms within the Metaverse. This process involves constructing landscapes or building objects. The overall work profile involves a mix of proficiency in technology paired with innovative creativity.

2. Programming

Metaverse programmers construct virtual infrastructure by writing code. The code helps in running processes involving the creation of elements, scripting character interaction along optimising overall performance.

3. User interface (UI)

A user-friendly design paired with an intuitive interface helps users access the Metaverse through your application. This role involves developing menus, controls or Heads Up Design (HUD).

4. Backend

The construction of an alternative reality in Metaverse involving varied elements of design and an active interaction between the user is possible only when the application runs on efficient server infrastructure and database along with networking components facilitating smooth user experience and rapid scalability.

What are the Skills for a Metaverse Developer?

The soft skills and technical skills needed for Metaverse Developers are as follows:

1. Cross-Functional Collaboration

While developing a virtual reality-based set-up on the internet the construction of the end product necessitates inputs from various teams such as designers, artists and audio engineers. Metaverse programmers not only build the application but also incorporate various elements around sound, light and design within the application.

To achieve a smooth cohesion between varied elements within the application a developer should be at ease, working within a collaborative set-up involving various stakeholders while ensuring efficient communication between all parties concerned

2. Adaptability

Metaverse is steadily dynamic in nature. The scope of innovation and disruption within Metaverse is at an all-time high because it's a relatively new field. Trends and technologies used within the domain are changing on a daily basis. 

Since this domain incorporates hardware and software within itself developers should always be on the lookout for recent trends and the direction of innovation within Metaverse. 

Seamless functioning within such a highly dynamic sector demands a continuous learning-based approach towards Metaverse development.

What are the Technical Skills for Metaverse Developers?

Metaverse Developers need to have a multifaceted approach when it comes to technology because the role requires them to seamlessly navigate through a multitude of technologies. Although the needs of every company are different, Metaverse developers need to understand the fundamentals and functioning of AR and VR technologies.

1. Animation/3D Modelling

Metaverse programmers must be functional around 3D modelling software and animation. Modelling software such as Blender, Maya or 3ds Max allows developers to create life-sized environments along with objects or characters. 

Knowledge of animation helps developers incorporate movement techniques and frames through which characters can interact within the virtual environment.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Applications within the Metaverse function with the help of AI systems. The avatars used on Metaverse are powered by AI. Along with development, the security of the application depends on AI-powered systems. Therefore Metaverse developers should be proficient with AI.

  • Developers should be acquainted with building code and deploying AI models in Java, Python and R. They should be functional around big data technologies such as Cassandra, MongoDB and Hadoop.
  • Knowledge of Machine learning algorithms such as KNN, linear regression and support vector machines is necessary in order to build AI frameworks.

3. Mixed Reality

The medium of interaction utilized by users to communicate with your application will be through virtual spaces. Therefore a developer should firmly have a strong grasp of concepts under Mixed Reality and Virtual Reality. 

A grasp of technologies within the domain of mixed reality helps the developer gain instant insights into the business aspects of the application.

4. NFT Technologies

While building any objects, characters or avatars, Metaverse developers need to be well-versed with NFT development. A Non-Token (NFT) is a digital asset which can be transferred across a multitude of Metaverse environments while maintaining the virtual identity of an individual across various platforms.

A solid grasp of core concepts of Web3, Blockchain and smart contracts is expected from the candidate. Apart from this Metaverse developers should be well-versed with developing code in JavaScript, Solidity and JSON.

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Salary of a Metaverse Developer?

Given the growing need for metaverse programmers, several organisations are already offering an annual Metaverse developers salary of approximately $97,000. As we go into the Web 3.0 phase and demand for these developers increases, you can anticipate that the numbers will rise much more.

2. Who is Leading Metaverse Development?

Web 2.0 metaverse enterprises have a combined market valuation of 14.8 trillion US dollars as of October 2021. This amount is significantly lower for gaming and eSports, as well as Facebook (now known as Meta following a restructuring in October 2021 and a shift to VR), with 1.98 trillion and 0.90 trillion, respectively.

3. What Skills are Needed to Develop in Metaverse?

3-D Modelling & Animation: Creating virtual worlds that are realistic is crucial for the metaverse. It calls for a thorough comprehension of 3D design concepts as well as the capacity to construct captivating, interactive environments. Programming Languages: It is essential to be proficient in languages like JavaScript, C#, and Java.

4. Who Makes Metaverse Software?

Accenture is a top provider of metaverse services and solutions, having led the way in web3 and metaverse-related technologies for almost 15 years.

5. Who is the Owner of Metaverse?

Although the future of the metaverse is yet unknown, the forces of centralization and decentralisation are already at work. Which of the two options materialises will depend on the decisions and resources taken up to this point, according to Jon Radoff, CEO of gaming engine Beamable. 

Some businesses, like Decentraland, are pushing for open, blockchain-based platforms, while large tech giants like Meta and Oculus are trying to control the market with their closed platforms. Ownership and interoperability issues will become less relevant as the field develops and consensus grows.

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Metaverse Developers

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

Metaverse Developers

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

Metaverse Architect | As a Metaverse Architect, developers from ClanX expertly craft the foundational structures of virtual worlds, working on use cases like virtual real estate platforms and large-scale virtual environments.

Metaverse Game Creator | Leveraging skills in game design and interactive storytelling, developers enhance user engagement through creating immersive games and simulations for educational or entertainment purposes.

Metaverse Social Experience Engineer | Specializing in creating social platforms within the metaverse, they design spaces for virtual events, conferences, and collaborative work environments.

Metaverse Marketplace Developer | Focused on e-commerce within the metaverse, these developers build secure and scalable marketplaces for virtual goods, integrating blockchain for NFTs and digital asset trading.

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ClanX is a true partner. We were able to build a solid team and our entire company was eventually acquired.
Jayson Dmello
Head of Product, The Girl Tribe
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ClanX not only found us the best talent, but also helped us scale up and down as required. Brilliant solution!
Nikunj Ladani
Design Head, GoodWorker

Still Curious? These might help...

What are the qualifications of ClanX's metaverse developers? | Our Metaverse Developers are highly qualified, holding degrees in computer science, software engineering and certifications in various metaverse technologies such as VR/AR, blockchain, and 3D modeling.

How do ClanX Metaverse Developers stay updated with industry advancements? | They regularly attend workshops, webinars, and training sessions, and engage in continuous learning to keep up with the fast-paced evolution of metaverse technology.

Can ClanX Metaverse Developers integrate virtual environments with blockchain technology? | Yes, our developers specialize in creating secure, blockchain-based virtual environments that ensure safe transactions and reliable data management within the metaverse.

What kind of virtual experiences can ClanX Metaverse Developers create? | They can create a range of virtual experiences including interactive games, educational platforms, virtual events, and simulations for various industries.

Do ClanX Metaverse Developers support the creation of NFTs within the metaverse? | Absolutely, our developers are proficient in designing and implementing NFTs, enabling digital asset creation, and trading within the metaverse ecosystem.

How do ClanX Metaverse Developers ensure user privacy and data security? | Implementing best practices in data encryption and compliance with privacy standards, they build secure metaverse platforms prioritizing user privacy and data security.

Can ClanX provide metaverse developers for short-term projects? | Yes, we offer flexible hiring models that include short-term, long-term, and project-based engagements to meet your company's specific needs.

What industries do ClanX Metaverse Developers have experience with? | Our developers have worked across many industries including gaming, real estate, education, healthcare, and entertainment, providing versatile expertise for your metaverse project.


Metaverse Developers

in 48 hours

The ClanX Universe

We have these A+ folks on our talent network

Machine Learning Engineer

Data Engineer

Natural Language Processing Engineer

Computer Vision Engineer

Algorithm Engineer

Robotics Engineer

Deep Learning Engineer

AI Software Developer

AI Hardware Specialist

Research Engineer (AI/ML)

Autonomous Systems Engineer

AI Application Engineer

Machine Learning Infrastructure Engineer

Speech Recognition Engineer

AI Security Engineer

Reinforcement Learning Engineer

AI Research Engineer

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Engineer

Machine Intelligence Engineer

Predictive Modeller

Quantitative Machine Learning Engineer

AI Product Engineer

Machine Learning Systems Designer

Edge ML Engineer

Generative Model Engineer

Machine Learning Platform Engineer

Machine Learning DevOps Engineer

AI Optimization Engineer

Conversational AI Engineer

Applied Machine Learning Engineer

AI Solutions Engineer

AI/ML Advisory Engineer

Bioinformatics Engineer

AI Algorithm Optimization Engineer

Language Model Engineer

AI Implementation Engineer

Synthetic Data Engineer

Perception Systems Engineer

AI Research Programmer

Deep Learning Platform Engineer

AI System Validation Engineer

AI/ML Toolchain Engineer

Machine Learning Modeler

AI Innovation Engineer

AI Integration Engineer

AI/ML Test Engineer

AI Software Performance Engineer

AI Data Strategy Engineer

Recommender Systems Engineer

AI Policy Engineer

Metaverse Developer

Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Full Stack Engineer

DevOps Engineer

Software Architect

Mobile Developer (Android)

Mobile Developer (iOS)

Flutter Developer

Embedded Systems Engineer

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Security Engineer

Database Engineer

Systems Engineer

Smart Contract Developer

Network Engineer

UI/UX Developer

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer

Game Developer

Graphics Engineer

Data Warehouse Engineer

Technical Lead

Scrum Master

Release Engineer

Application Engineer

Infrastructure Engineer

Performance Engineer

Hardware Engineer

React Developers

Test Automation Engineer

Firmware Engineer

Solutions Engineer

Support Engineer

Integration Engineer

Tooling Engineer

Platform Engineer

Data Privacy Engineer

Sales Engineer

Customer Success Engineer

Product Engineer

Compliance Engineer

Accessibility Engineer

Operations Engineer

Video Game Engineer

Virtual Reality (VR) Engineer

Augmented Reality (AR) Engineer

Blockchain Engineer

Cryptography Engineer

Localization Engineer

System Administrator

Network Administrator

User Interface (UI) Engineer

User Experience (UX) Engineer

Golang Developer

Internet of Things (IoT) Engineer

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

Automation Architect

DevOps Toolchain Engineer

Security Operations (SecOps) Engineer

Release Manager

Platform Engineer

CI/CD  Engineer

DevOps Consultant

Kubernetes Engineer

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Developer

DevOps Dashboard Engineer

Observability Engineer

Systems Orchestration Engineer

DevSecOps Engineer

Infrastructure Automation Engineer

Cloud Optimization Engineer

Continuous Delivery Engineer

DevOps Metrics and Analytics Engineer

Production Engineer

Deployment Automation Engineer

Operations Automation Developer

Cloud Security Engineer

Configuration Management Specialist

DevOps Evangelist

Site Operations Engineer

Cloud Systems Engineer

DevOps Compliance Officer

Scalability Engineer

Edge Computing Specialist

AI Product Manager

Technical Product Manager

Data Product Manager

Platform Product Manager

Product Owner (Agile/Scrum)

User Experience Product Manager

Growth Product Manager

Cloud Product Manager

Security Product Manager

Product Compliance Manager

Digital Product Manager

Product Analytics Manager

E-commerce Product Manager

IoT Product Manager

AR/VR Product Manager

Mobile Product Manager

Enterprise Software Product Manager

Customer Success Product Manager

Innovation Product Manager

Sustainability Product Manager

Edge Computing Product Manager

Blockchain Product Manager

DevOps Product Manager

AI Ethics Product Manager

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HealthTech Product Manager

EdTech Product Manager

Biotech Product Manager

Gaming Product Manager

Content Product Manager

Social Media Product Manager

Product Operations Manager

Technical Product Owner

Product Strategy Manager

Internationalisation Product Manager

Accessibility Product Manager

Infrastructure Product Manager

AI/ML Product Manager

Cybersecurity Product Manager

Data Privacy Product Manager

Cloud Services Product Manager

UX/UI Product Manager

Compliance and Regulations Product Manager

Product Quality Manager

User Experience (UX) Designer

User Interface (UI) Designer

Interaction Designer

Product Design Strategist

Visual Designer

Information Architect

User Researcher

Service Designer

UX Writer


Accessibility Designer

UX Engineer

Design Operations Manager

Design System Manager

Design Technologist

UX/UI Developer

Experience Design Lead

Industrial Designer (for physical tech products)

Interaction Design Specialist

Digital Product Designer

Motion Designer (for UI animations)

Brand Experience Designer

Design Researcher

Environmental Designer (for hardware)

Human Factors Engineer

Principal Designer

Creative Technologist

Voice User Interface Designer

Augmented Reality Designer

Virtual Reality Designer

3D Modeler

Color and Material Designer

Wearable Technology Designer

Packaging Designer

Design Sprint Facilitator

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Chief Product Officer (CPO)

Chief Data Officer (CDO)

Chief Innovation Officer (CINO)

Chief Security Officer (CSO)

Vice President of Engineering

Vice President of Product

Director of Engineering

Director of Product Management

Head of Design

Head of User Experience

Head of Research and Development (R&D)

Program Director

Technical Director

Head of AI/ML

Head of Cloud Services

Head of Data Science

Head of Cybersecurity

Head of Infrastructure

Head of Innovation

Head of IT Operations

Head of Technology Strategy

Head of Digital Transformation

Head of DevOps

Head of Software Development

Head of Platform Development

Head of Technical Architecture

Head of Product Innovation

Head of Quality Assurance

Head of Systems Engineering

Head of Mobile Technology

Head of Enterprise Applications

Head of Internet of Things (IoT)

Head of Robotics