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React Developers

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Why Hire 

React Developers

 from ClanX?


Robust Applications | React Developers from ClanX craft high-performance user interfaces that ensure a seamless and interactive experience, leveraging Virtual DOM for efficient updates.

Robust Applications | React Developers from ClanX craft high-performance user interfaces that ensure a seamless and interactive experience, leveraging Virtual DOM for efficient updates.


Scalable Solutions | Capitalizing on React's component-based architecture, ClanX developers build scalable applications that are maintainable and easily adaptable to evolving business needs.

Scalable Solutions | Capitalizing on React's component-based architecture, ClanX developers build scalable applications that are maintainable and easily adaptable to evolving business needs.


Cross-Platform Mastery | With expertise in React Native, ClanX developers enable businesses to expand their reach with cross-platform apps that provide a native-like experience on both iOS and Android.

Cross-Platform Mastery | With expertise in React Native, ClanX developers enable businesses to expand their reach with cross-platform apps that provide a native-like experience on both iOS and Android.


Advanced Ecosystem | ClanX React Developers are well-versed in the rich ecosystem surrounding React, including state management tools like Redux, enhancing app stability and performance.

Advanced Ecosystem | ClanX React Developers are well-versed in the rich ecosystem surrounding React, including state management tools like Redux, enhancing app stability and performance.


SEO-Friendly SPAs | The ClanX team creates React single-page applications that are optimized for search engines, improving visibility while maintaining a dynamic user experience.

SEO-Friendly SPAs | The ClanX team creates React single-page applications that are optimized for search engines, improving visibility while maintaining a dynamic user experience.


Continuous Learning | ClanX encourages a culture of continuous learning, ensuring their React Developers stay at the forefront of advancements in the technology, including the latest hooks and features.

Continuous Learning | ClanX encourages a culture of continuous learning, ensuring their React Developers stay at the forefront of advancements in the technology, including the latest hooks and features.

Getting started with ClanX

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You conduct the final round with the candidate, based on the feedback either we share more profiles or you hire the talent. Our historical data says, out of 10 builder profiles that we share, 8 get hired.


React Developers

 who has deep expertise in

Meet the go-to tools and tech our skilled

React Developers

use to craft amazing products.

tools | create-react-app, webpack, Babel, ESLint
databases | MongoDB, Firebase, PostgreSQL
languages | JavaScript, TypeScript
libraries | Redux, React Router, Material-UI, Ant Design

How Much Does it Cost To Hire a React Developer?

The average cost to hire React Developers varies depending on multiple factors such as skill level, seniority and geographical location. According to Glassdoor the average react developer salary is $83,577 per annum.

How Do I Hire the Best React Developers?

Here are the top sites to hire React developers:

  • ClanX: ClanX helps you hire React developers to boost your team, or collaborate with a fully managed team tailored to your requirements.
  • Turing: Turing connects world-class remote software engineers with world-class companies.
  • Clouddevs: Clouddevs provides highly vetted and time-aligned top-tier tech talent to cater to your project requirements.

Is React High Paying?

React helps businesses reduce the expenditure of development by making it relatively easy to build and develop complex web applications. The applications built on React are highly scalable wherein they can easily handle high amounts of traffic without slowing down. 

The declarative programming style of React paired with its component-based architecture helps businesses rectify their overall code quality. This helps reduce the bugs within the codebase while making it easier to manage. Due to heavy functionality, React is a high-paying field.

Is ReactJS Still in Demand?

React.js is a well-known Javascript library used by some of the most reputed big tech organizations such as Facebook, Netflix, etc. React.js helps developers build complex and dynamic web applications with the aid of its flexible library. 

Since React.js is a relatively new library that is highly powerful there's a high demand for React.js developers who are well acquainted with these libraries.

Hire React Developers

The current ecosystem has been witnessing a steady evolution within online user action where users are opting for an omni-channel approach which prioritizes a seamless experience through the aid of a fully responsive application. 'React' has positioned itself as the most favorable JavaScript library when it comes to curating a fully responsive application.

Let's try to understand 'React' and the buzz around it.

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library that has been curated and maintained by Facebook. It's primarily utilized for web development wherein a spectacular UI experience can be crafted with minimal effort. It uses an architecture style that is component-based, permitting a developer to break down the entire UI into smaller components that can be reused across a variety of projects.

React is cross-functional allowing developers to craft applications for desktop, web, and mobile. Due to the efficiency and popularity of React, the market is being flooded with react developer tools and applications focused on innovating the entire workflow while developing on React.

Now that we are acquainted with the buzz around React, let's try to gauge the fact that why is it being used by companies on a large scale.

What Problems Does React Solve?

Simply put! React prioritizes curating dynamic user experiences. If we look at the current market most companies value user experience because it increases customer retention. Now moving forward let's understand the benefits of using React.

1. Cross-Functionality

React allows developers to utilize the code across multiple projects while developing similar features which helps any business save resources. The developer is at ease using code from a previous project while developing similar features for a new project.

2. Responsiveness

React supports VDOM ie. Virtual DOM which allows virtual depiction of the elements of code. If any developer tweaks a specific aspect of the program the overall interface doesn't undergo re-rendering. Instead, the specific aspects of the interface update itself ensuring instant responsiveness and efficient convenience.

3. SEO-Friendly

React ensures the speedy rendering of web pages. While ranking on Google, fast rendering aids the organization to rank higher than a multitude of web pages just due to the virtue of fast loading.

4. Community

React has fostered a strong community of developers, researchers, and innovators around itself. If any professional is stuck with an operational roadblock it's easy to move forward because the solution to their problem can be easily found within various forums, and platforms established for this purpose.

Now that we have clarity about the fundamentals of React let's understand the role of React Developer.

What is the Role of React.js Developers?

React.js Developers fall within the category of front-end engineers dealing with the management of user experience.

  • They are directly responsible for ensuring that the application appears top-notch and the user finds themselves satisfied while interacting with the application.
  • They ensure that the user does not encounter any pitfalls while using the application.
  • React Developers are responsible for bringing to life various features on the website such as slideshows, glowing buttons, graphic buttons, or voice recognition.
  • To curate such magic they are proficient with a range of languages such as HTML, Typescript, C++, etc. Also, the developer is equipped with a wide range of frameworks, libraries, and tools specific to React.

If you feel that React.js Developers will help infuse life within your company's applications. Let's understand the attributes of an ideal React Developer.

What are the Skills for React Developers?

The skills of a React developer are as follows.

1. Communication

React.js Developers should be efficient communicators because they have to navigate with multiple stakeholders such as designers, clients and product managers while working on projects. 

Communication skills are necessary not only while collaborating with product managers etc. but also while writing documentation to ensure that it's clear and concise.

2. Adaptability

React Development is a relatively new field. Developers working with React need to be adaptable to learning new technologies. Developers who are fast learners can easily transition to updated workflows ensuring that applications are constantly optimized. Adaptability is necessary to learn new frameworks or libraries or while migrating your applications to a Cloud platform.

3. Problem Solving

React Developers should possess strong problem-solving skills because they are essential to navigate through various challenges within the development cycles. Developers should have sharp critical thinking skills paired with a problem-solving approach towards challenges which will help React.js Developers in situations such as debugging a complex coding issue or while optimizing React applications for performance.

What are Technical Skills for React Developers?

1. Clarity of Fundamentals

React Developers should demonstrate efficient proficiency with the fundamentals of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages serve as the building blocks of any webpages, further, React develops a dynamic mix of fundamental concepts of HTML paired with JavaScript along with various technical enhancements.

Therefore React Developers should demonstrate advanced competency with these languages. React developers should have a firm grasp of the React library and an acquaintance with various react developer tools and frameworks. They are expected to implement CSS reset along with media queries. While analyzing operational proficiency with the fundamentals, the individual experience of the developer matters.

React developers with experience of around two years who have developed applications using CSS and HTML along with occasional tinkering with JavaScript will be well versed in fundamentals.

2. Understanding of JSX

While developing within the React environment the React developers interact with the system by using JSX. JSX acts as an extension that allows a developer to craft applications through React APIs. It transforms the entire process into a less tedious chore while ensuring the entire process is scalable. 

Therefore a React Developer must be proficient with JSX ie. Syntactic extension to ensure efficient applications.

3. Fundamentals of JavaScript/ES6

The relation between React and JavaScript can be called complementary. React Developers must possess advanced efficiency in JavaScript to navigate within libraries and kickstart application development. 

Along With JavaScript the developer should be well versed with ES6 to build efficient frameworks. ES6 allows developers to work on various web applications.

4. GIT 

Git is a version control system that is open source and free and utilized by developers for various development purposes. When it comes to React, it helps developers by smoothing the process of writing code while developing applications. 

React developers should have a grasp of various fundamentals of Git because it helps them enhance their productivity and allows them to explore unique opportunities for securing and managing the system architecture.

5. Redux

Redux deals with the management of the state library function of ReactJs. Apart from management, Redux helps developers scale efficiently. React Developers proficient with Redux use it not only for management but also uses it as an innovative approach to handling data. They also use it to manage asynchronous state updates. 

Therefore if your company prioritizes data management and operational scalability then you should look out for candidates with advanced proficiency with Redux.

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are React Developers?

A React developer is an expert in software engineering who uses the React JS or React Native frameworks to design and build user-facing features for websites and applications. A declarative, effective, and adaptable JavaScript library used to create user interfaces is called React JS. 

A React developer leverages their knowledge of programming to make JavaScript-based online or mobile applications. Usually, they focus on front-end development, which includes creating user interfaces (UI).

2. What is the Salary of a React Developer?

To begin our investigation, let's find out how much money React engineers could make in 2023. Developers looking for remote possibilities with the highest-paying tech jobs will find that react development is one of the most lucrative remote tech professions.

In India, the average developer salary is ₹6,07,382 annually. In India, a React Developer typically receives an additional ₹54,395 in compensation, with a range of ₹20,000 to ₹80,000.

3. Is React Developer in Demand?

Regular skill development and learning can increase your earning potential and open up new career alternatives. By aiming for a greater income and never stopping learning, ReactJS developers can enhance their quality of life, professional opportunities, and personal development.

In the software development sector, React JS engineers are still in great demand. React engineers are more drawn to remote employment options than ever as we move into 2024.

4. Is Being a React Developer a Good Career?

The US Bureau of Labour Statistics (BLS) projects that employment as a software developer will rise at an annual rate of 25% above average between 2021 and 2031. React is still relevant since, as of 2023, it is the second most popular web framework globally.

5. Is React a Front End or Backend?

Undoubtedly, React Js is a JavaScript library for the front end of websites that is used in web development to create interactive elements for User Interfaces (UI) based on UI components. A JavaScript front-end library is called React. 

React has the ability to send requests to the backend via API calls, handling data. The database or the data source itself cannot be processed by React.

6. Does React Have a Future?

Strong web framework React JS is well-liked everywhere, including in developing nations like India. It outperforms rivals such as jQuery and Vue. React has a promising future with substantial investments and Facebook's support. This implies that the need for React developers will grow.

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React Developers

who are the best

When it comes to hiring the top

React Developers

, ClanX is the top company in the technology industry that has its own proprietary vetting process which is AI powered.

React Consultant | With deep understanding of the React ecosystem, consultants at ClanX provide strategic insights and effective project roadmaps, assisting in decision making for large-scale React deployments.

Frontend React Specialist | Specialists focus on crafting engaging UIs with React, utilizing skills in CSS and component libraries to enhance the visual appeal and user experience of web applications.

React Native Developer | ClanX's React Native Developers extend web applications into the mobile domain, delivering native-like mobile apps and expanding overall platform reach using a single codebase.

React Full-Stack Developer | These developers possess expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies, enabling them to construct comprehensive solutions for web applications that are robust and scalable.

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Design Head, GoodWorker

Still Curious? These might help...

What advantages do React Developers from ClanX offer for my project? | ClanX React Developers are adept at building high-quality, scalable web applications with efficient rendering and state management, alongside a proactive approach to incorporate the latest industry practices.

How can React Developers enhance the user interface of my application? | By using React's declarative components, ClanX developers ensure UI consistency and interactivity, leading to an engaging and user-friendly application interface.

Are ClanX's React Developers experienced in developing cross-platform mobile applications? | Yes, our developers have a strong grasp of React Native, enabling them to build and maintain cross-platform mobile apps with a native user experience.

What measures do ClanX React Developers take to optimize application performance? | They utilize React's Virtual DOM to minimize direct DOM manipulations, implement code-splitting, and leverage efficient state management, to optimize app performance.

Can ClanX React Developers integrate my application with third-party services or APIs? | Absolutely, they have extensive experience in API integration, ensuring your React application can seamlessly connect with various services and backend systems.

How do React Developers at ClanX ensure their projects are SEO-friendly? | By server-side rendering of React applications or by using Next.js, ClanX React Developers can create SEO-friendly SPAs that are easily crawlable by search engines.

In what ways do ClanX's React Developers stay updated with the latest React features? | ClanX encourages a learning culture with regular training and workshops, allowing developers to stay updated with the newest React features like hooks and the concurrent mode.

How does ClanX maintain the quality of the React codebase? | Through rigorous code reviews, adherence to coding standards, and comprehensive testing using Jest and React Testing Library, quality and maintainability are prioritized.


React Developers

in 48 hours

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